Automatically Learning to Tell Stories about Social Situations from the Crowd
Boyang Li, Stephen Lee-Urban, Darren Scott Appling, and Mark O. Riedl
School of Interactive Computing; Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30032 USA
E-mail: {boyangli, lee-urban, darren.scott.appling, riedl}
Narrative intelligence is the use of narrative to make sense of the world and to communicate with other people. The generation of
stories involving social and cultural situations (eating at a restaurant, going on a date, etc.) requires an extensive amount of
experiential knowledge. While this knowledge can be encoded in the form of scripts, schemas, or frames, the manual authoring of
these knowledge structures presents a significant bottleneck in the creation of systems demonstrating narrative intelligence. In this
paper we describe a technique for automatically learning robust, script-like knowledge from crowdsourced narratives.
Crowdsourcing, the use of anonymous human workers, provides an opportunity for rapidly acquiring a corpus of highly specialized
narratives about sociocultural situations. We describe a three-stage approach to script acquisition and learning. First, we query
human workers to write natural language narrative examples of a given situation. Second, we learn the set of possible events that can
occur in a situation by finding semantic similarities between the narrative examples. Third, we learn the relevance of any event to the
situation and extract a probable temporal ordering between events. We describe how these scripts, which we call plot graphs, can be
utilized to generate believable stories about social situations.
Storytelling, in oral, visual, or written forms, plays a
central role in various types of entertainment media,
including novels, movies, television, and theatre. The
prevalence of storytelling in human culture may be
explained by the use of narrative as a cognitive tool for
situated understanding (Bruner 1991; McKoon &
Ratcliff 1992; Gerrig 1993; Graesser, Singer & Trabasso
1994). This narrative intelligence (Mateas & Sengers
1999) is central in the cognitive processes employed
across a range of experiences, from entertainment to
active learning. It follows that computational systems
possessing narrative intelligence may be able to interact
with human users naturally because they understand
collaborative contexts as emerging narrative and are able
to express themselves by telling stories.
In this paper we consider the problem of creating
and telling stories that involve common social situations.
Most stories are about people (or objects and animals
that behave like people in some way). Characters in
generated stories should respect social and cultural
norms, and perform common tasks in socioculturally
acceptable ways. For example, during a trip to a
restaurant, a character should perform actions that meet
readers' expectation of what should happen in a
restaurant. Further, to generate a love story in which a
boy asks a girl out to a date at the movies, a system
should know when it is okay for the boy to hold the girl’s
hand or when to try for a kiss. To omit these elements or
to use them at the wrong time invites failures in
believability or breakdowns in communication.
The generation of believable stories requires
extensive knowledge that captures common social and
cultural activities. Unfortunately, social and cultural
models are notoriously hard to model by hand. For
example, a simple model of restaurant behaviour uses 87
rules (Mueller 2007). A simulation game about attending
a prom (McCoy et al. 2010) required 5,000 rules to
capture the social dynamics associated with that
As an alternative to production rules, one may
consider employing scripts (Schank and Abelson 1977),
a form of procedural knowledge that describes how
common situations are expected to unfold, thus capturing
social and cultural norms. A script about visiting a
restaurant, for example, would encode the typical
progression of events (entering, being seated, reading a
menu, paying the bill, etc.). Many story generation
systems make use of manually coded script-like
knowledge, such as cases or hierarchical task libraries
(e.g. Meehan 1976; Lebowitz 1987; Turner 1994; Perez y
Perez & Sharples 2001; Cavazza, Charles, & Mead 2002;
Gervas et al. 2005; Swanson & Gordon 2008; Riedl
2010; Li & Riedl 2010; Hajarnis et al. 2011). However,
the effort required to manually code script-like
information becomes a significant bottleneck. As a
result, most story generation systems to date are
restricted to a small number of hand-authored knowledge
structures and can thus only operate within the bounds of
a limited micro-world for which knowledge has been
Automatically acquiring sociocultural knowledge
can open up story generation systems to a wider
repertoire of possible stories and domains. In this paper,
we propose an approach for learning script-like
knowledge from crowdsourced narrative examples.
Crowdsourcing replaces a dedicated expert who solves a
complicated problem with many members of the general
public, or workers, each solving a simple problem (cf.
Howe 2006, Quinn & Bederson 2011). In our case, we
request each worker to provide a short real-world
example of a common situation for which we wish to
learn a script. For example, we may ask workers to
describe an experience of a restaurant visit. Workers then
tell stories in natural language that include typical events
for that situation. Crowdsourcing thus provides a means
for rapidly acquiring a highly specialized corpus of
examples of a given situation, significantly simplifying
the subsequent learning. Our initial results suggest that
robust knowledge structures can be learned from small
corpora containing only about 40 worker responses.
Our automated approach simultaneously learns both
the events that comprise a situation and the typical
ordering of these events from the crowdsourced
narratives. By leveraging the crowd and its collective
understanding of social constructs, we can learn a
potentially unlimited range of scripts regarding how
humans generally believe real-world situations unfold.
We seek to apply this script-like knowledge to the
generation of believable stories that involve common
social situations or the direct engagement of virtual
characters in social behaviors.
Background and Related Work
This section reviews story generation systems and
discusses their reliance on hand-coded knowledge
structures. We compare our crowdsourced approach for
the acquisition of script-like knowledge to previous
knowledge acquisition techniques and highlight its
strengths and weaknesses.
Story Generation
Automated story generation systems search for a novel
sequence of events that meet a given communicative
objective, such as to entertain or convey a message or
moral. The most common approaches to story generation
are planning and case-based reasoning.
Planning-based story generation systems (Meehan
1971; Lebowitz 1987; Cavazza, Charles, & Mead 2002;
Riedl & Young 2010; Li & Riedl 2010; Ware & Young
2011) use a causality-driven search to link a series of
primitive actions to achieve a goal. The knowledge
structures are usually too lean to fully represent common
social scripts. Some story generation systems (cf.,
Lebowitz 1987; Cavazza, Charles, & Mead 2002; Li &
Riedl 2010) attempt to enrich the generation process with
hierarchical scripts that capture common ways of solving
goals and performing tasks. System designers typically
handcraft these hierarchical scripts.
Case-based story generators (Turner 1994; Perez y
Perez & Sharples 2001; Gervas et al. 2005; Swanson &
Gordon 2008; Riedl 2010; Hajarnis et al. 2011) attempt
to construct novel stories by reusing prior stories, or
cases. Sociocultural norms can be “baked into” the prior
cases. Most case-based story generators to date have
relied on hand-coded cases and stories, with two
exceptions of note. First, the system described by
Hajarnis et al. (2011) learns cases from human
storytellers who enter stories via a custom interface.
Cases can only be expressed in terms of a known set of
possible actions, and are thus limited to a given micro-
world. Second, SayAnything (Swanson & Gordon 2008)
constructs new stories from fragments of stories mined
from online blogs. This is a promising approach,
although reliably selecting and reusing appropriate
narrative fragments in the correct context remains an
open problem. In contrast, our approach starts with a
smaller number of crowdsourced stories specifically
aimed at a particular situation that we wish to tell stories
about, reducing the need to reason about context.
Script Knowledge Acquisition
Work on commonsense reasoning has sought to acquire
propositional knowledge from a variety of sources.
LifeNet (Singh & Williams 2003) is a commonsense
knowledge base about everyday experiences constructed
from 600,000 propositions asserted by the general
public. According to Singh and Williams, this technique
tends to yield spotty coverage. Gordon et al. (2011)
describe an approach to mine causal relations from
millions of blog stories. These systems do not attempt to
create script-like knowledge representations; it is not
clear how this knowledge would be used to generate
novel stories. Open Mind Experiences (Singh & Barry
2003; Singh, Barry, & Liu 2004) is a database of stories
and has been proposed as a means to generate new
stories (Liu & Singh 2002).
Script-like knowledge can also be acquired from
large-scale corpora with the goal of applying knowledge
learned to the task of understanding news stories (Girju
2003; Bean & Riloff 2004; Brody 2007; Chambers &
Jurafsky 2009; Kasch & Oates 2010). These systems
attempt to find correlations between events appearing in
these stories. In particular, the technique by Chambers
and Jurafsky (2009) attempts to identify related event
sentences and learn partially ordered before relations
between events. While these works are intended to
further natural language processing goals, such as script
recognition, the learned scripts are general in nature and
thus can be applied to a range of problems including
story generation.
While corpus-based script learning can be very
powerful, it also suffers from two limitations. First, the
topic of the script to be learned must be represented in
the corpus. Thus, it might be difficult to learn the script
for how to go on a date to a movie theatre from a news
article corpus. Second, given a topic, only the relevant
events from the corpus should be extracted and irrelevant
events should be excluded whereas a general corpus will
have many irrelevant events that must be filtered. Ideally,
one has a specialized corpus for each situation one
wishes to learn a script for, but such specialized corpora
rarely exist.
Crowdsourcing can be used to rapidly acquire a
specialized corpus by paying, or otherwise incentivizing,
a number of untrained human workers to provide
examples of the topic in narrative form. With proper
instructions, a crowd of amateurs can collectively create
a specialized corpus from which high-quality scripts can
be learned. The corpus will contain only relevant data
and relatively complete examples of situations. In
addition, the corpus may be specialized for any target
domain. That is, crowdsourcing provides a means for
rapidly acquiring a highly specialized corpus of
examples of a given situation, which may significantly
simplify subsequent learning.
Crowdsourcing usually breaks up a complex
problem into a number of simpler subproblems to make
them easily solvable for ordinary workers. Hence,
crowdsourced results must still be filtered, aggregated,
and summarized in an automated fashion to create a
complete solution. This collaborative human-AI
approach has been used to train spell checkers (Lasecki
et al. 2011), teach robots to perform tasks (Butterfield et
al. 2010; Chernova, Orkin, and Breazeal 2010), construct
learning materials (Boujarwah, Abowd, and Arriaga
2012), and tackle other challenging problems.
Jung et al. (2010) extract procedural knowledge from and where humans enter how-
to instructions for a wide range of topics. Although these
resources are sufficient for humans, for computational
systems, the coverage of topics is sparse (very common
situations are missing). Further, instructions in these
websites tend to use complex language, conflate
instructions and recommendations, and involve complex
and nuanced conditionals.
In the Restaurant Game, Orkin and Roy (2009) use
traces of people in a virtual restaurant to learn a
probabilistic model of restaurant activity. The Restaurant
Game as a playable interactive system has an a priori
known set of actions that can occur in restaurants (e.g.,
sit down, order, etc.) that were programmed in advance.
Users select actions to perform to recreate restaurant-
going experiences, which the system then uses to learn
probabilistic event ordering knowledge. Our work is
similar to this, except our approach also learns the
primitive events from natural language narrative texts, in
addition to temporal orderings between events.
Crowdsourcing Narrative Examples
To learn a script for a particular, given situation we use a
three-step process. First, we query crowd workers to
provide linear, natural language narratives of the given
situation. After some time, a small, highly specialized
corpus of examples is acquired. Second, we identify the
salient events in these narratives. This is in contrast with
Orkin and Roy (2009), where the set of possible actions
are known in advance. Third, we identify the order of
these events. The second and third step work together to
extract a script as a graph from the crowd-supplied
narratives. As workers are not experts in knowledge
representation, we do not ask workers to author script
graphs directly; we believe that for lay workers,
providing step-by-step narratives is a more intuitive and
less error-prone means of conveying complex
information than manipulating complex graphical
In the crowdsourcing stage, to facilitate the
subsequent learning of events and their ordering, our
system includes precise instructions to the anonymous
workers. First, we ask workers to use proper names for
all the characters in the task. This allows us to avoid
pronoun resolution problems. We provide a cast of
characters for common roles, e.g., for the task of going to
a fast-food restaurant, we provide named characters in
the role of the restaurant-goer, the cashier, etc. Currently,
these roles must be hand-specified, although we envision
future work where the roles are extracted from online
sources of general knowledge such as Wikipedia.
Second, we ask workers to segment the narrative such
that each sentence contains a single activity. Third, we
ask workers to use simple natural language; specifically
we ask them to use one verb per sentence and avoid
using compound sentences. Throughout the remainder of
the paper, we will refer to a segmented activity as a step.
Figure 1 shows two fragments of narratives about the
same situation.
Once a corpus of narrative examples for a specific
situation is collected from the crowd, we begin the task
of learning a script. In our work, a script is a set of before
relations, B(e
, e
), between events e
and e
that e
occurs before e
. These relations coincide with
causal and temporal precedence information, which are
important for narrative comprehension (Graesser, Singer,
and Trabasso 1994). A set of before relations allows for
partial orderings, which can allow for variations in legal
event sequences for the situation. The tasks of learning
the main events that occur in the situation and learning
the ordering of events are described in the next sections.
Event Learning
Event learning is a process of determining the primitive
units of action to be included in the script. By working
from natural language descriptions of situations, we learn
the salient concepts used by a society to represent and
reason about common situations. We must overcome
several challenges:
1. The same step may be described in different
2. Some steps may be omitted by some workers.
3. A task may be performed in different ways and
therefore narratives may have different steps, or
the same steps but in a different order.
Our approach is to automatically cluster steps from
the narratives based on semantic similarity such that
clusters come to represent the consensus events that
should be part of the script. Each step in a narrative is a
phrase that may or may not be semantically equivalent to
another step in another narrative. There are many
possible ways to cluster sentences based on semantic
similarity; below we present the technique that leverages
the simple language encouraged by our crowdsourcing
technique. First, we preprocess the narratives to extract
Story A Story B
a. John drives to the restaurant.
b. John stands in line.
c. John orders food.
d. John waits for his food.
e. John sits down.
f. John eats the food.
a. Mary looks at the menu.
b. Mary decides what to order.
c. Mary orders a burger.
d. Mary finds a seat.
e. Mary eats her burger.
Figure 1. Example crowd-sourced narratives.
the core components of each step: the main verb, the
main actor, and the verb patient if any. Second, we
identify the semantic similarity of each step using
semantic gloss information from WordNet (Miller 1995).
Finally we cluster steps in order to identify the core set
of events.
Semantic Similarity
We use the Stanford parser (Klein & Manning 2003) to
identify the actor, verb, and the most salient non-actor
noun for each step. The most salient non-actor noun is
identified using a rule-based approach. Once we have
these components, the similarity between two
corresponding components is computed as follows. For a
pair of words (verbs or non-proper nouns), we obtain
their similarity using the WordNet Gloss Vector
technique (Patwardhan & Pedersen 2006). The WordNet
Gloss Vector technique uses the cosine similarity metric
to determine the similarity [0,1] for any two weighted
term vectors for the desired synsets. To apply this
technique, we need the appropriate WordNet synset for
each verb or noun; we the Pedersen and Kolhatkar
(2009) word-sense disambiguation technique to identify
the best WordNet synset.
The similarity between two steps thus is computed
as a weighted sum of the following elements:
Semantic similarity of verbs
Semantic similarity of nouns
The difference in event location
Event location—a step’s location as the percentage of the
way through a narrative—helps disambiguate
semantically similar steps that happen at different times,
especially when a situation is highly linear with little
variation. For example, when going to a movie theatre,
one will “wait in line” to buy tickets and then may “wait
in line” to buy popcorn. While both activities share
semantic information, they should be considered distinct
Event Clustering
We model event learning as the clustering of steps,
making use of the semantic information computed above.
The resultant clusters are the events that can occur in the
given situation.
Event clustering is performed in two stages. In the
first stage, we make initial cluster assignments of steps
from different narratives using shallow information. For
each pair of steps from the same narrative, we record a
no-link constraint, prohibiting these two steps from being
placed into the same cluster. For each pair of steps from
different narratives that have identical verbs and nouns,
we record a must-link constraint, requiring that these two
steps be placed within the same cluster. From this
information, we produce an initial assignment of steps to
clusters that respects all constraints.
In the second stage, we iteratively improve the
cluster quality through the application of the k-Medoids
clustering algorithm. The k-Medoids makes use of
similarity between steps, as discussed above. We
automatically set the similarity score to 1.0 if there is a
must-link constraint between steps and 0.0 if there is a
no-link constraint between steps.
The k-Medoid clustering algorithm requires k, the
number of total clusters, to be known. We use a simple
technique to sample different values for k, starting with
the average narrative length, searching for a solution that
minimizes intra-cluster variance while maximizing the
extra-cluster distance.
Experiments and Results
To evaluate our event learning algorithm, we collected
two sets of narratives for the following situations: going
to a fast food restaurant, and taking a date to a movie
theatre. While restaurant activity is a fairly standard
situation for story understanding, the movie date
situation is meant to be a more accurate test of the range
of socio-cultural constructs that our system can learn.
Table 1 shows the attributes of each specialized corpus.
For each situation, we manually created a gold
standard set of clusters against which to calculate
precision and recall. Table 2 presents the results of event
learning on our two crowdsourced corpora, using the
MUC6 cluster scoring metric (Vilain et al. 1995) to
match computed cluster results against the gold standard.
These values were obtained using parameter
optimization to select the optimal weights for the
clustering similarity function. The ideal weights for a
given situation, naturally, depend on language usage and
the degree to which variability in event ordering can
occur. Table 2 shows how each portion of our algorithm
helps to increase accuracy. Initial cluster seeding makes
use of shallow constraint information. The semantic
similarity columns show how phrase expansion improves
our clusters. Event location further increases cluster
accuracy by incorporating information contained in the
implicit ordering of events from the example narratives.
For each set of results, we show the average precision,
recall, and F1 score for the best weightings for verb,
noun, and event location similarity components.
Noting the differences between data sets, the movie
Table 1. Crowd-sourced data sets.
Situation Num.
num. steps
Fast food 30 7.6 55 44
Movie date 38 10.7 71 84
Table 2. Precision, Recall, and F1 Scores for the restaurant and movie data sets.
Gold std.
num. events
Initial seed clusters Semantic similarity Semantics + Location
Pre. Recall F1 Pre. Recall F1 Pre. Recall F1
Fast food restaurant 21 0.780 0.700 0.738 0.806 0.725 0.763 0.814 0.739 0.775
Movie theatre date 56 0.580 0.475 0.522 0.725 0.580 0.645 0.763 0.611 0.679
date corpus has a significantly greater number of unique
verbs and nouns, longer narratives, and greater usage of
colloquial language. Interestingly, the movie date corpus
contains a number of non-prototypical events about
social interactions (e.g., Sally slaps John.) that appear
rarely. This greater number of clusters containing few
steps has a negative effect on recall values; a larger
number of narratives would ameliorate this effect by
providing more examples of rare steps. By
crowdsourcing a highly specialized corpus, we are able
to maintain precision in the face of a more complicated
situation without restricting worker ability to express
their conception of the salient points of the situation.
Improving Event Clustering with
While we believe that our event learning process
achieves acceptably high accuracy rates, errors in event
clustering may impact overall script learning
performance (the effects of clustering errors on script
learning will be discussed in a later section). To improve
event-clustering accuracy, we can adopt a technique to
improve cluster quality using a second round of
crowdsourcing, similar to that proposed by Boujarwah,
Abowd, and Arriaga (2012). Workers are tasked with
inspecting the members of a cluster and marking those
that do not belong. If there is sufficient agreement about
a particular step, it is removed from the cluster. A second
round of crowdsourcing is used to task workers to
identify which cluster these “un-clustered” steps should
be placed into. According to Boujarwah (personal
communication), the multiple rounds of crowdsourcing
required $110 for a single script, linearly increasing with
situation complexity. Crowdsourcing is often used to
improve on artificial intelligence results (von Ahn 2005)
and we can increase clustering accuracy to near perfect
in this way. However, in the long term our goal is
minimize the use of the crowd so as to speed up script
acquisition and reduce costs.
Plot Graph Learning
Once we have the events, the next stage is to learn the
script structure. Following Chambers and Jurafsky
(2009) we learn before relations B(e
, e
) between all
pairs of events e
and e
. See Figure 2 for a visualization
of a script as a graph. Chambers and Jurafsky train their
system on the Timebank corpus (Pustejovsky et al.
2003), which uses temporal signal words. Girju (2003)
uses causal signal words. Because we are able to
leverage a highly specialized corpus of narrative
examples of the desired situation, we can avoid reliance
on signal words and instead probabilistically determine
ordering relations between events directly from the
narrative examples. The result of this process is a script-
like structure similar in nature to a plot graph
(Weyhrauch 1997), a partial ordering of events that
defines a space of possible event sequences that can
unfold during a given situation. Not only is a plot graph
similar to a script, but it is also a data structure that has
been used for AI story generation (Weyhrauch 1997;
Nelson & Mateas 2005; Roberts et al. 2006; Sharma et
al. 2010).
Initial Script Construction
Script construction is the process of identifying the plot
graph that most accurately captures the most information
out of the set of crowdsourced narratives. Each possible
before relation between a pair of events is a hypothesis
(i.e. B(e
, e
) = true or B(e
, e
) = true) that must be
verified. For every pair of events e
and e
, we count the
observation of evidence for and against each hypothesis.
Let s
be a step in the cluster representing event e
, and
let s
be a step in the cluster representing event e
. If s
and s
appear in the same input narrative, and if s
appears before s
in the narrative, then we consider this
as an observation in support of B(e
, e
) = true. If s
appears before s
in the same narrative, this observation
supports B(e
, e
) = true.
The probability
of a hypothesis equals
, where is the number of observations and is the
observations that support . Considering that the
probability is only an estimate of the real world based on
limited observations, we also estimate its confidence (cf.
Wang 2009); a probability computed based on a small
number of observations has low confidence. Without
assuming prior distributions for orderings between
arbitrary events, we use the imprecise Dirichlet model
(Walley 1996) to represent this uncertainty. Suppose we
have s additional observations whose values are hidden,
the most optimistic estimate of the probability occurs
when all hidden observations support hypothesis ,
yielding an upper bound
the most pessimistic estimate is
. Thus,
the confidence in a probability is
, where s is a parameter
We select relations for the plot graph in which the
probability and confidence exceed thresholds
[0,1], respectively. T
and T
apply to the entire
graph and provide an initial estimate of the best plot
graph. However, a graph that better explains the
crowdsourced narratives may be found if the thresholds
could be locally relaxed for particular relations. Below,
we introduce a measure of plot graph error and an
Figure 2. An example plot graph, adapted from Chambers and
Jurafsky (2009).
algorithm for iteratively improving the plot graph to
minimize the error.
Plot Graph Improvement
Since a plot graph encodes event ordering, we introduce
an error measure based on the expected number of
interstitial events between any pair of events. The error is
the difference between two distance measures, D
, e
and D
, e
). D
, e
) is the number of events on the
shortest path from e
to e
on the graph (e
this is also the minimum number of events that must
occur between e
and e
in all legal totally ordered
sequences consistent with the before relations of the plot
graph. In contrast, D
, e
) is the normative distance
from e
to e
averaged over the entire set of narratives.
For each input narrative that includes sentence s
the cluster representing e
and sentence s
from the
cluster representing e
, the distance (i.e. number of
interstitial sentences plus one) between s
and s
is d
). D
, e
) is thus the average of d
, s
) over all
such input narratives. The mean squared graph error
(MSGE) for the entire graph is:
where P is the set of all ordered event pairs (e
, e
) such
that e
is reachable from e
or that they are unordered.
We utilize this error measure to improve the graph
based on the belief that D
represents the normative
distance we expect between events in any narrative
accepted by the plot graph. That is, typical event
sequences in the space of narratives described by the plot
graph should have D
, e
) D
, e
) for all events. A
particularly large |D
, e
) – D
, e
)| may indicate
that some edges with low probability or confidence could
be included in the graph to make it closer to user inputs
and reduce the overall error.
We implement a greedy, iterative improvement
search for a plot graph that reduces mean square graph
error (Figure 3). For each pair of events (e
, e
) such that
is reachable from e
in the plot graph of directed
edges, we search for all events E such that if e
E were
the immediate predecessor of e
then D
, e
) would be
equal to D
, e
). If there is a possible edge from e
(i.e., at least one observation that supports such an
edge) then we strengthen the edge hypothesis by one
observation. This intuition is illustrated in Figure 4
where the edge (dashed arrow) from event C to event B
was originally insufficiently supported; adding the edge
to the graph creates the desired separation between
events A and B. This process repeats until no new
changes to graph structure can be made that reduce the
mean square graph error.
We find this approach to be effective at reducing
graph error when T
is set relatively high (> 0.5) and T
0.4. A conservative T
initially discards many edges in
favor of a more compact graph with many unordered
events. A moderate T
allows the improvement algorithm
to opportunistically restore edges to the graph.
Experiments and Results
Figure 5 shows plot graphs learned for the fast food
restaurant and movie theatre date situations. These plots
were learned from the gold standard clusters under the
assumption that we can achieve near perfect clustering
accuracy with a second round of crowdsourcing. The
event labels are English interpretations of each event
based on manual inspection of the sentences in each
event. For clarity, some edges are omitted from the
figure that do not affect the partial ordering. Rare events,
such as Sally slaps John are excluded from the graphs
because their clusters contain too few sentences and thus
do not meet our probability and confidence thresholds.
Some statistics about the two graphs are shown in
Table 3. Over 128 sets of different parameter settings, we
found that iterative graph improvement led to an average
error reduction of 42% and 47% for the fast-food
restaurant and movie data situations respectively. The
asterisks in Figure 5 indicate edges that were added
during graph improvement. Note that it is not always
possible to reduce graph errors to zero when there are
plausible ordering varations between events. For
example choose menu item and wait in line can happen
in any order, introducing a systematic bias for any graph
path across this pair. In general we tend to see ordered
relations when we expect causal necessity, and we see
unordered events when ordering variations are supported
by the data.
Q := all of events (e
, e
) where e
is reachable from e
or unordered
Foreach (e
, e
) Q in order of decreasing D
, e
) – D
, e
) do:
E :=all events such that for each e
E, D
, e
) = D
, e
) – 1
Foreach e
E do:
If edge e
has probability and confidence less than T
, T
and will not create a cycle if added to the graph do:
Strengthen the edge by adding one observation in support of
If e
has probability and confidence greater than T
, T
and adding e
to the graph decreases MSGE do:
Add e
to the graph
Return graph
Figure 3. The plot graph improvement algorithm.
Figure 4. Compensation for errors between pairs of events.
Table 3. Error reduction for both situations.
Error before
Error after
Avg. Error
Avg. Min. Avg. Min.
Fast food 4.05 1.23 2.31 0.85 42%
Movie date 6.32 2.64 2.99 1.88 47%
Discussion and Future Work
There are several ways in which errors during event
learning (i.e., clustering) can impact plot graph
generation. First, steps may be improperly clustered, thus
introducing observations of ordering relations between
otherwise unrelated events, possibly causing cycles in
the plot graph. If the number of improperly clustered
sentences is relatively small, these relations have low
probability and confidence and will be filtered out.
Second, two distinct events may be merged into one
event, causing ordering cycles in which all edges have
high probability and confidence. When this happens, it is
possible to eliminate the cycle by choosing an event to
split into two. We select the event cluster in the cycle
with the highest inter-cluster variance in the belief that
high inter-cluster variance indicates that there is a natural
split of sentences into two clusters. Third, an event may
be split into two clusters unordered relative to each other.
This creates the appearance that an event must occur
twice in any story generated from this script.
Closely inspecting Figure 5, we note that before
relations includes causal sufficiency and mere temporal
precedence as well as strict causal necessity. For
example, before placing an order at a fast-food
restaurant one can wait in line or drive to drive-thru but
not both. Thus, both are sufficient for placing an order.
The crowdsourced corpus for the restaurant is split
relatively evenly between walk-in and drive-thru
narratives, implying two main variations to the situation
(this also accounts for the unordered leave restaurant
and drive home events). Future work will be necessary to
distinguish causal and temporal relations as well as
necessity versus sufficiency. We believe this can be
accomplished by more fully leveraging correlations (e.g.
mutual information) between events. As with the event
learning phase, it is always possible to ask crowd
workers to provide causal information with questions
about causal counterfactuals, a technique adapted from
Trabasso and Sperry (1985).
Toward Story Generation
To an extent, the plot graph learned as described above
grants narrative intelligence to a computational process.
A model of common social situations—in the form of a
plot graph—captures common beliefs of how those real-
world situations unfold. A computational system must
also be able to act on this narrative intelligence in order
to: (a) tell a story about a sociocultural situation, (b) tell
a story in which a common social situation occurs, or (c)
directly engage in a social situation in a virtual world.
Fortunately, the plot graph representation facilitates story
generation and interactive execution (cf., Weyhrauch
1997; Nelson & Mateas 2005; Sharma et al. 2010;
Roberts et al. 2006).
A plot graph defines a space of totally ordered
event sequences that are believed to be “legal” ways for
a given situation to unfold. By virtue of the way we learn
the plot graph from human-provided examples, the
knowledge structure generalizes across the most
common ways in which the given situation manifests.
Within the space of legal stories, we may consider
different possible storytelling goals: the most
prototypical story, the most unusual story, the most
Figure 5. Plot graphs generated for the restaurant situation (left) and movie date situation (right).
surprising, etc. According to Bruner (1991), interesting
stories are those that deviate from the norm in some way.
The plot graph representation was originally used to
determine what was possible for a user to do in an
interactive fiction game. Although these systems are
meant to provide narrative structure to games, we can
view these systems as story generation systems when the
interactive component is removed. To generate a story
using a plot graph, a system must search for and select
one totally ordered sequence from this set (Weyhrauch
1997; Nelson & Mateas 2005; Roberts et al. 2006;
Sharma et al. 2010). To date, algorithms that use plot
graphs have used the same set of heuristics to find
sequences that reduce cognitive burden and reduce
flailing, including:
Location flow—events in the same location
should occur together.
Thought flow—events that are conceptually
related should occur together.
Motivation—a measure of whether plot points are
motivated by previous plot points.
Other heuristic functions are used as well.
Generation of stories from the plot graphs learned
from the crowd requires a slightly different approach.
The plot graph describes a social situation that is
relatively well constrained, so the only question that
remains is how prototypical should the resultant story be.
We define typicality as a function of the likelihood of
events (nodes) and of specific sub-sequences (node-link-
node sequences). By varying the inclusion of nodes and
links according to their likelihood while respecting the
before relations, we can generate stories that are legal but
with arbitrary typicality within the norm.
We have a wealth of probabilistic information to
draw from as a consequence of how we learn the plot
graph, including:
Typicality of events—the probability of an event
being part of a situation, P(e).
Typicality of event orderings—the probability
that a given ordering occurs, P(e
| e
Adjacency—the probability that two events
should occur immediately adjacent to each other,
| e
Co-occurrence—the probability that any two
events have been observed in the same
crowdsourced story, P(e
The most prototypical story that can be generated from a
given plot graph, for example, may be defined as
inclusion of the n most probable events, ordered
according to the most probable before relations between
those n nodes. We can generate more interesting stories
about the same situation by finding a legal sequence with
(a) an unlikely event, such as kissing (kissing occurs in
~10% of crowdsourced examples); (b) likely events that
occur in an unlikely ordering; (c) non-adjacent events
that are typically adjacent; (d) pairs of events that have
low co-occurrence; or (e) omission of an event that
frequently co-occurs with a present event. We intend to
investigate the effects of each of the above hypotheses on
story novelty in order to develop tunable heuristics for
the generation process.
Story generation from sociocultural plot graphs
reaches full expressivity once we are able to differentiate
links in the graph as denoting causal necessity or simple
temporal precedence; this provides the richest variation
among legal stories from which to choose a specific
story or guide a virtual character’s behavior. Once we
differentiate between causal necessity and precedence,
the story generation process can be performed using
standard search techniques such as A*, forward or
backward search, genetic algorithms and Monte Carlo
Crowdsourcing provides direct access to humans and the
ways in which they express experiential knowledge. A
crowdsourcing approach has advantages over general
corpus based learning: filtering irrelevant information,
segmentation, and control of natural language
complexity. Our approach capitalizes on these
advantages by learning the primitive events from the
segmented natural language and learning ordering
constraints on these events directly from the crowd-
sourced narrative examples.
Plot graph learning overcomes one of the primary
bottlenecks in acquiring sociocultural knowledge
required for effective generation of believable stories.
While future work remains to tease out the full
expressive power of automatically learned plot graphs,
our approach makes it possible for a computational
system to extend its narrative intelligence beyond a
single, hand-crafted micro-world.
One of the strengths of our approach is the way in
which we can leverage shared social constructs acquired
directly from humans. Our approach learns the events
that make up common situations directly from the
language people use to describe those situations; event
ordering captures shared social and cultural
understanding based on people’s descriptions of
experiences. Thus, in addition to learning scripts for
story generation, our system also learns a functional
form of socio-cultural knowledge that could be applied
to other computational narrative intelligence tasks such
as story understanding.
Believable story generation requires in-depth
understanding of the rich social situations that humans
recognize and participate in everyday, yet this sort of
experiential knowledge is rarely possessed by intelligent
computational systems. A human-AI collaborative
approach in which humans naturally convey experiential,
social, and cultural knowledge to an intelligent system
can overcome many of the hurdles to human-level AI
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the
U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) for this effort.
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