Xu Guo, Zilin Du, Boyang Li, and Chunyan Miao. Generating Synthetic Datasets for Few-shot Prompt Tuning. The First Conference on Language Modeling (COLM). 2024.
Yubin Xiao, Di Wang, Boyang Li, Mingzhao Wang, Xuan Wu, Changliang Zhou, and You Zhou. Distilling Autoregressive Models to Obtain High-Performance Non-Autoregressive Solvers for Vehicle Routing Problems with Faster Inference Speed. The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). 2024.
Bosheng Ding, Chengwei Qin, Linlin Liu, Yew Ken Chia, Boyang Li, Shafiq Joty, and Lidong Bing. Is GPT-3 a Good Data Annotator? The Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). 2023.
Qin Chao, Eunsoo Kim, and Boyang Li. Movie Box Office Prediction With Self-Supervised and Visually Grounded Pretraining. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). 2023.
Sherif Abdelkarim , Aniket Agarwal, Panos Achlioptas, Jun Chen, Jiaji Huang, Boyang Li, Kenneth Church, and Mohamed Elhoseiny. Exploring Long Tail Visual Relationship Recognition with Large Vocabulary. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). 2021.
James Kennedy, Iolanda Leite, Andre Pereira, Ming Sun, Boyang Li, Rishub Jain, Ricson Cheng, Eli Pincus, Elizabeth Carter and Jill Fain Lehman. Learning and Reusing Dialog for Repeated Interactions with a Situated Social Agent. The 17th International Conference on
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA). Stockholm, Sweden. 2017.
Matthew Guzdial, Boyang Li, and Mark O. Riedl. Game Engine Learning from Video. The 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Melbourne, Australia. 2017.
Matthew Guzdial, Brent Harrison, Boyang Li, and Mark O. Riedl. Crowdsourcing Open Interactive Narrative.The 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. Pacific Grove, CA. 2015.
Boyang Li, Mohini Thakkar, Yijie Wang, and Mark O. Riedl. From Data to Storytelling Agents. The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2014). Boston, MA. 2014.
Boyang Li, Stephen Lee-Urban, and Mark O. Riedl. Crowdsourcing Interactive Fiction Games. The 8th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. Chania, Crete, Greece. 2013.
Boyang Li, Stephen Lee-Urban, George Johnston and Mark O. Riedl. Story Generation with Crowdsourced Plot Graphs.The 27th AAAI Conferece on Artificial Intelligence. Bellevue, Washington. 2013.
Nicholas Davis, Boyang Li, Brian O'Neill, Mark Riedl, and Michael Nitsche. Distributed Creative Cognition In Digital Filmmaking. The 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition. Atlanta, Georgia, 2011. pp. 207-216. (Best Student Paper)
James Niehaus, Boyang Li, and Mark O. Riedl. Automated Scenario Adaptation in Support of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. The 24th Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society. Palm Beach, Florida, 2011.
Boyang Li, Yew-Soon Ong, Minh Nghia Le, Chi Keong Goh, Memetic Gradient Search, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Hong Kong, 2008. (CEC 2008). pp. 2894-2901.
Hock Beng Lim, Keck Voon Ling, Wenqiang Wang, Yuxia Yao, Mudasser Iqbal,
Boyang Li, Xiaonan Yin, Tarun Sharma, The National Weather Sensor Grid. The 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. 2007. pp. 369-370.
Siwei Feng, Boyang Li, Han Yu, Yang Liu, and Qiang Yang. Semi-Supervised Federated Heterogeneous Transfer Learning. Knowledge-Based Systems. 252. 2022.
Wang Hao, Boyang Li, Haoming Zhong, Ahong Xu, Yingjie Huang, Jingfu Zou, Yuanyuan Chen, Pengcheng Wu, Yiqiang Chen, Cyril Leung, and Chunyan Miao. Smart Decision-Support System for Pig Farming. Drones. 6 (12). 2022.
Xu Guo, Han Yu, Boyang Li, Hao Wang, Pengwei Xing, Zaiqing Nie, and Chunyan Miao. Federated Learning for Personalized Humor Recognition. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology. 2022.
Y. Cai, C. Miao, A.-H. Tan, Z. Shen, and Boyang Li, Creating an Immersive Game World with Evolutionary Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 30(2) (March/April 2010) pp. 58-70.
Workshop Papers
Yinan Zhang, Boyang Li, You Yuan, and Chunyan Miao. Minimalist and High-performance Conversational Recommendation with Uncertainty Estimation for User Preference. WSDM 2023 Workshop on Interactive Recommender Systems. 2023.
Tong Zhang, Yong Liu, Peixiang Zhong, Chen Zhang, Hao Wang, Chunyan Miao, and Boyang Li. Toward Knowledge-Enriched Conversational Recommendation System. The 4th Workshop on NLP for ConvAI. 2022.
Xu Guo, Pengwei Xing, Siwei Feng, Boyang Li, and Chunyan Miao. Federated Learning with Diversified Preference for Humor Recognition. International Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality in Conjunction with IJCAI (FL-IJCAI 2020). 2020.
Boyang Li. Narrative Intelligence Without (Domain) Boundaries. Doctoral Consortium, the 7th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. 2012.
Xin Zhou, Dejing Dou, and Boyang Li. Searching for Stage-wise Neural Graphs In the Limit. arXiv:1912.12860
Isaac Ahern, Adam Noack, Luis Guzman-Nateras, Dejing Dou, Boyang Li, Jun Huan. NormLime: A New Feature Importance Metric for Explaining Deep Neural Networks. arXiv:1909.04200
Yixiao Lan, Yuan Liu, Boyang Li, Chunyan Miao. Proof of Learning (PoLe): Empowering Machine Learning with Consensus Building on Blockchains (Demo). The 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Virtual Conference. 2021.
Boyang Li and Mark O. Riedl. Scheherazade: Crowd-Powered Interactive Narrative Generation. The 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Austin, TX, 2015.
Huiliang Zhang, Zhiqi Shen, Xuehong Tao, Chunyan Miao, Boyang Li, Ailiya, Yundong Cai. Emotional agent in serious game (DINO). The 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Budapest, Hungary. 2009.
Book Chapters
Boyang Li and Mark O. Riedl. Creating Customized Game Experiences by Leveraging Human Creative Effort: A Planning Approach. In Agents for Games and Simulations II. Frank Dignum (Ed.) LNAI 6525. 2011. pp. 99-116.